New Page Title | OBSESSION | Quizzes | Re-casts | John X Paul? | Adopted people (mostly anime, but I have others) | Songs to download from napster before the stupid thing shuts down | Quoteable Quotes | Links | Picture Gallery! | interesting things | The Boredom page - mostly beatles stuff | Some Stories I have written
The Fool on the Hill


Welcome to the second-generation prototype of the fool on the hill! This page is Dedecated to my friend from camp, Sveta!

I'm a big Anime fan, and this page is where I will do everything I desired to do on my first generation prototype..even after it, bienvenue!

NEWS! : Alina Hicks of Wellesley Mass. Has guessed my scrambled picture, and she was right! It was Jim Hawking from Outlaw Star... yes, it took her a while...I'll have another to guess soon!

I knew he would ^^)

You know it!



A door; Actual size=180 pixels wide

I love that song ^^)

4/22/01 - I got one new beatles parodie, a NEW SECTION, and some new RE-CASTS...AND NO MAIL! PLEASE DO MAIL!
4/19/01 - I got a bunch of new adoptions, finally something besides my parodies!!!!! >.<
4/18/01 - Lotza new beaytles pardies, I need a life for the 80th time, and some new bishonen on the adoptions page...I was going to add something new and different, but I'm busy (What a surprise)
4/17/01 - Now the count is 39...well, please mail me!! MAIL ME!!!!!

April 27: Well I havn't got too much to say about meself. You? Well, I downloaded a song. It's called kuru Kuru Miraku by Shinohara Tomoe, and it's quite the song....heh...

April 24: I loved that movie I was so totaly gear fab! Man, does Britannia rule the sea, or what? I'm going to add that wave, under this text. I loved it soooo much!

click here to play sound

April 23: Well someone had a beatley day! First *AHEM* someone forgot to bring in AHDN, and I got a little mad, but she's making me a copy, so Now I'm a happy camper ^^. and I was singing, "It won't be long," and "All my loving" alternativley all day long. Close you eyes, and I'll kiss you....Tomorrow I'll miss you...Oh, whoops! Anyway, then after that, as I was walking to my locker at the end of the day with My friend, her older friend walked by. She was like, "Hi Dan!," but I immediatly noticed his shirt. IT WAS LET IT BE!!!! I flipped, and even thought I'm sure he didn't hear me, I said, "I love your shirt!" about 4 times. Oh well, sometimes Beatle fans don't unite like they should...



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<form method=post action=>
<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=1 width=200 height=350 bordercolor=Darkblue bgcolor=Red align=center>
<th bgcolor=Darkblue><font color=Yellow face=desc_font size=2>JohnXPaul?</font></th>
<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0 bgcolor=Red>
<font color=Black face=Verdana>Do you think John Lennon X Paul McCartney is a good couple?</font><br><br>
<input type=radio value=1 name=response><font color=Black face=Verdana size=2>Yes</font>
<input type=radio value=2 name=response><font color=Black face=Verdana size=2>No</font>
<input type=radio value=3 name=response><font color=Black face=Verdana size=2>EWWWWW!!!! The Beatles were homos????</font>
<input type=radio value=4 name=response><font color=Black face=Verdana size=2>Who are you and why are you so sick?</font>
<input type=radio value=5 name=response><font color=Black face=Verdana size=2>I dunno and I don't care!</font>
<center><input type=hidden name=Id value=7462><input type=hidden name=user value=maxwells_silverhammer><input type=hidden name=voted value=yes><input type=submit value=Vote!><br><br><b><font color=Black face=Verdana size=2>Vote for a chance to win COOL PRIZES!!</b><br><br><a href="#""","results","toolbar=no,location=no,directories=no,status=no,menubars=no,resizable=no,scrollbars=no,width=250,height=400,top=100,left=200")><font color=Black face=Verdana size=2>view results</font></a></center>
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