
New Page Title | OBSESSION | Quizzes | Re-casts | John X Paul? | Adopted people (mostly anime, but I have others) | Songs to download from napster before the stupid thing shuts down | Quoteable Quotes | Links | Picture Gallery! | interesting things | The Boredom page - mostly beatles stuff | Some Stories I have written
The Fool on the Hill


Are you obsessed? find out....

You know you like the beatles tooooo much when...

- Whenever you hear John sing AHDN or IWHYH you squeal and twitch
- You have enough beatley pictures on your hard drive and in books and magazines to plaster your town with
- and you still feel incomplete
- you write fanfics about your three best friend and card board beatles
- you have read EVERY online fanfiction, and you still don't think you're pathetic
- You convinced someone that Paul was really dead
- you have a page dedecated to making fun of the beatles
- Whenever someone tells you to do something you don't want to do, to say, "I'd rather be tied to a chair in a straight jacket listening to Yoko Ono for the rest of eternity."
- you make all of your friends like at least one beatles song/album/movie
- You sneak in a beatley lyric/quote/anything whenever you can in conversations
- whenever someone says something beatley, you sing or finish the quote or whatever
- you prefer to be reffered to (<-- tounge twister) and Johnny and/or Johnny baby for close friends